Bitcoin for skeptics

As with any disruptive technology in its early moments, there are some skeptics (myself included) whose first reaction is to question the value proposition. And if we also consider that such technology expects to change the money, the skeptics will quickly grow in numbers. Luckily, that is beneficial and if you are a Bitcoin skeptic reading this article, welcome!

Blockchain and the shift of trust that Bitcoin proposed

Blockchain (and Bitcoin first, of course) is often described as a technology that allows peers to transfer value between each other in a trustless way. However, “trustless” is not entirely accurate, but more like a convenient and short way of describing it. Truth is, there is still a lot of trust involved… but with a twist. Let me ramble on about that for a few minutes.

Embracing the inevitable, a reflection on Blockchain immutability

You might have heard that Blockchain is immutable, but that is a lie!... well not quite, but the ledger is technically modifiable.

One of the many things I found very interesting about the concept of Blockchain introduced by Bitcoin, is how the Proof of Work model works, and how it makes the blockchain immutable (among other things). Specially when you consider that digital data can always be modified, no matter what. The blockchain technology deals with it, and thinks ahead. That’s an important aspect when you are trying to build a system for transferring value in a trustless* way.

Firebase database and Android Sync

I want to share my experience with Firebase Realtime Database and it's integration with Android using the "offline" mode it provides. I won’t get into a lot of technical details but instead I will give a few highlights of how it was for me.
Spoiler alert... it was great!

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